Thursday, August 19, 2010

Not babies anymore

Hannah and Megan started school today. Megan was so excited to go to school, but she was very concerned about where Hannah was and when she would be able to see her. Megan was such a cutie! She walked into her class, found her cubby and began to listen right away. Hannah has been talking about going to school and riding the bus all summer. Hannah wanted to know when nap time was and if she could get out of it because she is not going to be tired. Hannah went to her class right away and began to draw her picture. I can't believe that they are in school already. Time really does fly by. They are very adorable little people and I am grateful to have all 3 of them. Some days I am not as grateful as others! lol
Today I am and I had a very happy-sad kind of day, I was happy and excited for each of them but not as happy for me. My babies are growing up too fast. Isn't it always that way!

First Day of School

Today Austin started third grade. He was so excited that he stayed up most of the night looking at his alarm and was up before me this morning. He passed out shortly after getting home from school today. Not before he could tell me that he wasnt sure about third grade, there might be hard work! He is such a big guy, but I still look at him as my baby. He was good at helping walk his sisters to thier new classes and being a good big brother, and then watching out for them on the bus. Tonight he tells me that he might actually like it.