Thursday, November 11, 2010

Trying to catch up

So, I was reading other blogs and was thinking, wow, you haven't updated your blog in a while. Its been a long while! So many things have happened since school started I don't even know where to begin. I need a new years resolution to blog again, and scrapbook again and all the other things that I don't have time for when theres kids & hubby & life going on. I am going to make time. That's the plan...
Lets talk about football. Austin begged Jason all last soccer season to be able to play football. Jason finally gave in and said that he could. Austin played for the Boys and Girls Club and he was on the Gators. He had a really wonderful coach and very involved parents who were at all the practices and games. I have been disappointed in the past when it seems like the parents get bored and stop bringing their kids and the team suffers. This group of families were great, we had parent shirts too. They ended the season last weekend with the playoff game, it went into 11 overtimes. I am talking 11 sudden death overtimes, where the score just kept the same we would score, then the other team would. It was really crazy. These boys all just keep playing their hearts out. SO amazing I would of given up on like the second overtime. They didn't make it to the championship, but it was a wonderful season. The girls made friends with the other sisters on the team and it was really really fun. Not so fun trying to cram it in every weeknight with homework, dinner and oh yeah sleep but we did. Austin did great not complaining about practices and kept asking if he can play next year. Umm honey let mommy live through this year first! Hannah of course decided that she wants to be a cheerleader because the team had cheerleaders and they were so CUTE! I am not sure if mommy is ready for that yet, not sure how I can get three kids to different places. I am still pretending that everyone is little and I have control over what they want and need!

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