Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry White Christmas

Today we woke up to a couple of inches of snow. WOW Austin decided that he would wait up all night for santa and was running on empty all day. It was funny to watch him space out and MAKE himself keep going. He enjoyed his Buck Hunter game( a plug in play) and so did all the big kids too, there was some lessons on sharing even. He made it to 7 oclock before he passed out. What a great holiday, we have our friends James & Jennifer visiting and the kids had a blast both with thier new toys and the snow outside. It was so cold. I am so grateful for all the things that the kids got this year, and especially that they were very gracious and posed for all the pictures with the items that our family sent them without any complaints. We had a wonderful dinner and now we are trying to recover. We have a million bags of trash and it took almost the whole day to organize the kids stuff, but we have to get it done as in one day we will have the girls birthday and have to do it all over again. I am hoping that everyone elses holiday was filled with happiness, love so much fun you pass out exhausted.

I can't believe that this year is over in a week.

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